Hurricane supplies: Beyond water, food, prescriptions...
I will post random extras that are a good purchase for the hurricane kit throughout the season. Here are a few more items that are not too expensive and can make a difference should you hunker down at home during a storm. Basically, these accessories can make getting by without power more manageable.
How to build your kids hurricane preparedness kit
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Putting together a hurricane preparedness kit for children can be helpful during the long hours waiting out a storm. Better yet, let the children put together an emergency kit themselves that can cover three days. Games, snacks, toys and books are part of the plan to engage children and reduce stress. Long hours without power can be a challenging time for children who are used to occupying themselves with digital conveniences such as tablets, smartphones and apps. Make sure electronic devices have backup battery power supplies incorporated into the preparedness kit.
This hurricane season, Jacksonvilles emergency planners making changes to EOC, shelters
In fact, Woodard said the emergency operations center is changing the way it has worked in the past. This hurricane season, the EOC will guide the city virtually. Its a very efficient and effective way of reaching out to a large number of people in coordinating whatever efforts we need to coordinate, Woodard saidPlans for emergency shelters changing, tooWith the pandemic, Woodard said plans for emergency shelters are changing, too. The Red Cross is also making changes since this years storm season is very different because of COVID-19. Instead of know your zone, emergency leaders want people to know your code, meaning is your house built to safety code?
Floridas disaster preparedness sales tax holiday begins Friday
Published: May 25, 2020, 3:13 pm Updated: May 25, 2020, 3:19 pmJACKSONVILLE, Fla. The Florida sales tax holiday on disaster-preparedness items begins on Friday. The tax holiday allows shoppers to buy items, ranging from batteries to portable generators, without paying state and local sales taxes. The sales tax holiday does not apply to: the rental or repair of any of the qualifying items listed below and sales in a theme park, entertainment complex, public lodging establishment, or airport. RELATED | NOAA predicts overly active hurricane seasonHere is a list of qualifying items. Click here for more information.