Kent Justice


Kent Justice co-anchors News4Jax's 5 p.m., 6 p.m., 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. newscasts weeknights and reports on government and politics. He also hosts "This Week in Jacksonville," Channel 4's hot topics and politics public affairs show each Sunday morning at 9 a.m. Civic leaders, business professionals and nonprofit activists spend time in conversation with Kent about the big issues in our area. Kent also hosts This Week in Jacksonville: Business Edition, our podcast focused on economic growth and development.
As political reporter, Kent has covered inaugurations, national political party conventions and local races for public office (and everything in between). Kent is a seasoned debate moderator.
Kent has been involved in community causes since he arrived in Northeast Florida in 2010.  Kent previously led the board of directors for the Alzheimer’s Association Central and North Florida Chapter, serving 31 counties.  He has also contributed to the Civic Orchestra of Jacksonville, HandsOn Jacksonville, PACT Prevention Coalition of St. Johns County, the ASSIST program for homeless youth in St. Johns County Schools and the Communications Academy Advisory Board at Nease High School in Ponte Vedra.
Kent serves as a volunteer pastor and musician at his home church in St. Johns County. He also helps these organizations with events: UF Health Night for Heroes; National Philanthropy Day; Mayo Clinic’s Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Kent has reported in Columbus, Ohio, in California (Santa Barbara and the Central Coast), in South Dakota and in Montana. Kent launched his professional journalism career at 17 years old as a sportswriter for a large San Francisco area newspaper chain.